What do hurricanes and handwriting have in common?

Nothing, they're just both in this newsletter.

I’m hunkering down for Hurricane Milton, so this week’s newsletter will shift to something I’ve been eager to share with you.

For 15 years, I’ve been filling my mind with knowledge about God—hoping it would make faith easier and sinning harder. In some ways, it has helped, but in others, it felt like something was missing.

Many believers are in the same boat. We know theology, memorize Scripture, and follow devotionals, yet something still feels disconnected in our spiritual lives. This got me thinking—could there be a better way to bridge the gap between head knowledge and lived faith?

David Perell, who runs Write of Passage, has a great mental model for learning: "Imitate, then Innovate." It struck me that in faith, the imitation phase often gets skipped. Many programs go straight from “here’s what to believe” to “now live it out,” but imitation has been a cornerstone of Christian discipleship from the beginning.

When Jesus called His first disciples, He didn’t hand them a textbook. He said, “Follow me.” Watch, imitate, and practice. From there, the disciples developed their own way of living and sharing faith.

That’s why I created FaithWork—a 10-day immersive experience to make your faith real and tangible through daily practice.

What is FaithWork?

FaithWork is all about imitation first, then innovation. It’s a hands-on approach to deepening your faith by practicing the rhythms of Scripture, prayer, and spiritual disciplines.

Here is my journal after a FaithWork session.

Each day, you’ll spend just 25 minutes on three things:

  • Copy scripture, quotes, and prayers by hand (yes, handwriting is key!).

  • Apply what you've learned to your daily life.

  • Practice with actionable prompts to live out your faith in new ways.

Why does this work?

  • Forced Practice: You won’t just read about faith—you’ll do it, daily.

  • Pattern Recognition: Your brain starts to pick up on the rhythms and patterns of spiritual practices.

  • Imitate, then Innovate: By copying from the greats and directly applying it to your life, you’ll develop your own unique approach to living out your faith.

Here’s the best part:

I’m launching FaithWork as an email course with a special “Pay What You Want” offer. You can start for free or choose to pay whatever feels right to you—and help pass it forward to others.

I’m excited to hear what you think.

Pray for Florida 🙏


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