Go where the people you want to be go.

30-Second Version For Busy People

You don’t have to set the pace to win a race. You have to match the pace of the people you want to finish with. That’s the secret to winning races.

The same is true for everything in life. If you want to impact how you live life, pay close attention to who is absorbing your time and attention. This leads directly to better thoughts and better actions.

  • Today’s Better Thought: Who becomes how.  

  • Today’s Better Action: Go where the people you want to be go. Do what the people you want to be do.

Remember, better thoughts lead to better actions, and better actions lead to better Christians.

Full Version

I meet in a mastermind group every week.

I know this might sound like I'm part of a secret club with privileged information and special access. Maybe that's just how I like to think about myself. But in reality, it's nothing like that.

It's simply five guys who are trying to make better choices, accomplish bigger goals, and who recognize the value of accountability.

Because I surround myself with people who are accomplishing their own goals, I've managed to write a book, launch a newsletter, kick off a discipleship program, and develop a unique 10-day email devotional.

They set the pace, and I just matched it.

Relationships shape you in subtle ways like that. The changes aren't dramatic at first, but you end up a different person over time. Jim Rohn said, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with," and he's right.

I've found this to be true in both positive and negative directions:

  • If you spend time with negative people, you end up negative.

  • If you take bad dating advice, you go on bad dates.

  • If you're around big spenders, you overspend.

Pay close attention to who's influencing you because whether you realize it or not, you're becoming like them.

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Proverbs 13:20


Photo by Adrian Swancar / Unsplash

Today's Better Thought: Who becomes how.

I stole this soundtrack from Jon Acuff, but it was just too good not to steal.

Here is what it means: who you spend time with greatly influences how you live.

Or put that thing down, flip it, and reverse it: how I do life is based on who I hang out with.

  • When your friends read, you start reading more.

  • When your friends launch businesses, you begin building your own.

  • When your friends go to church, you go to church.

  • When your friends pray, you pray.

There is no sweeter way to say it: who becomes how.

Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.



Photo by Ricardo Arce / Unsplash

Today's Better Action: Go where the people you want to be go. Do what the people you want to be do.  

The people you want to be are congregating somewhere, and if they are not, create a space where they can.

I launched a mastermind with people who collectively wanted to do more with their lives.

  • If you’ve got a book inside you, join an online community of writers.

  • If you want to strengthen your faith, go to church.

  • If you want to run more, find a running partner.

Which means you will have to own the ask.

The idea is simple: instead of waiting for someone to ask you to do something, you be the one to ask them.

Take the initiative.

  • If you want to write more, ask your friend who writes if you can write together on a video call.

  • If you want to attend church, ask your friend if you can join them this Sunday.

  • If you want to get healthy, ask your neighbor if you can go on weekly walks.

The worst case is they say no, and you’re right where you are today.

The best case is you begin moving toward what you want most.


  • My fellow minister (Tracy) left for a month-long sabbatical past Monday. Tracy's given so much to our church family, which is why the elders set up this 7-year sabbatical policy for our ministers. Ministry often demands long hours and constant emotional availability, carrying the weight of our collective spiritual needs. This sabbatical will let Tracy recharge and come back refreshed.

  • Another thing happening around our church is prayer. Groundbreaking. But seriously, each person in our church family is praying for one person in their sphere of influence for 30 days. Who is your one? 

  • I just released a 10-day writing and copywork devotional focused on spiritual development. These “lessons” are not really lessons. They’re 25-minute guided writing sessions. At the end of each day, you’ll have a full page of scripture, quotes from spiritual saints, and intentional prayers.

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